Club History

There are many important dates in the history of Tallahassee Naturally. These are highlighted below:
1986 First club outing (October 5). Affiliated with TNS.
1989 First elected officers and Annual Business Meeting. Joined AANR. Full-Moon Skinny-Dips began. "Free University" course on Greek Athletics.
1990 Began renting the lake near Monticello.
1991 Participated in the first Mid-Winter Naturist Gathering, and the founding of AANR-Florida. Best small club newsletter award.
1992 A rival club died after six months. Bylaws established.
1993 Local nude bar controversy in Tallahassee.
1994 First experience lobbying the Florida legislature. First club in the nation to evaluate political candidates.
1996 First annual College Greek Athletic Meet, also a youth camp.
1997 Published Naturists: Upholders of Strong Family Values. Began name change.
1998 Peak year of membership and attendance. New web page won an award.
1999 Full-Moon Skinny-Dips moved from the sinkholes to the lake.
2001 Internal dissension. Helped write model nudity ordinance for Jefferson County (where the lake is).
2002 Completed name change to Tallahassee Naturally.
2004 New club logo. Club nomination of Lee Baxandall into the AANR Hall of Fame succeeded.
2007 The old building burned. New pavilion and storage shed put up.
2009 56 people in the lake for the Guinness World Record. Naturally FSU started.
2011 25th anniversary.
2012 College Greek Athletic movie premiered. Started Trynudethon.
2017 Club lost access to Suntan Lake.
2019 Club purchased land near Lloyd.
2021 Club purchased a pool for the new land.