Volume 25, Number 1 | 2013 February |
In this Issue
Days To RememberMARCH
General Information
Come to the Membership Meeting March 10Our Annual Business Meeting and first picnic of the year happen on Sunday, March 10. We eat at 1:00 and meet at 2:00. (That is also the beginning of Daylight Savings Time; don't show up hungry at two.) Later, there will be a short organizational meeting of the new board. Besides hearing reports on how we did last year, we will elect our officers for the coming year. A couple of bylaw proposals are listed below. Bylaw ProposalsThe board is recommending approval of two bylaw changes. Both are housekeeping chores that change nothing from the way we have been operating for many years. New wording is underlined. Proposal 1: Update Section V-L-1 to include modern communication, so it reads: 1. For operational decisions which cannot wait until the next regular board meeting, board members may be polled in person, electronically, or by telephone. Any board member who could not be reached shall be informed of the board's action as soon as possible. Results of the polling shall be entered in the minutes of the next board meeting. Proposal 2: Add a new section X-K to state longstanding practice: K. All club members are responsible for maintaining standards, and should speak up when necessary. If immediate action is needed, all board members present shall reach a consensus on how to handle the situation. In the absence of other members of the board, any board member has the authority to expel a misbehaving person from the grounds for the rest of the day. Any such action must be communicated to all other board members as soon as possible. Letters to the EditorFor the sixth year in a row, our board of directors is recommending no change in fees. We charge less than any other club with land in Florida (and of course have fewer amenities). Below are two proposals by a club member and a non-member. For the first to be financially neutral, would require a 50% increase in members. For the second proposal to be financially neutral, that would require a 100% increase in members:
I am writing with regard to lowering the fees at the lake. The American economy is still hard, and gas prices are high and increasing. They will probably be higher this summer.
I am proposing a reduction by one third. Examples:
Membership $45 to $30 I feel that this is worth a try. With lower fees, we will attract more members and people. There are possible other options—for example, make each picnic day free if you contribute food, or a rate for retirees. With the stresses of life, being nude is good and healthy, and lower fees will make it possible for more people to enjoy the nudist lifestyle. There will be a membership meeting the second Sunday in March, and it is my understanding that it is also open to interested parties pertaining to club and nudist issues. I hope you can attend. Rob Kester
I am writing to support Rob Kester in his goal of reducing membership fees to grow the club. The current fee structure is so high that potential members are being turned away, and I am one of those people. I would love to join the club, but alas I simply cannot afford the fees. I retired on November 1 of last year, and overnight my monthly take-home pay plummeted from over 3K to less than $1600, of which fully half goes to pay my mortgage. The $200 for annual membership and lake fees is far beyond my reach. I understand that the board keeps fees high in order to grow the treasury so that the club can purchase land to develop a nudist resort. But I would argue that the attainment of that goal requires a robust membership just as much as a robust treasury. If you keep membership fees so high that prospective members stay away, you will never achieve your goal. I realize that club by-laws allow prospective members to request “financial relief” because of “hardship.” But has anyone ever made such an appeal? Will that ever happen? I suspect not. People like me with limited incomes yet retain our dignity and our pride, even though we do not have a lot of money to spend. If we do not find an affordable niche within your existing fee structure, we will just stay away. The high fees are particularly discriminatory for retirees like myself, who typically see their incomes halved upon retirement. And yet retirees are a valuable resource for the club, because we offer a lifetime of skills and experience, and we have unlimited time to volunteer. Excluding retirees and other people with limited incomes is a very short-sighted policy that has stunted the growth of the club. More than that, it is definitely not in keeping with the philosophy and tradition of naturism, which asserts that naturism is for everyone, not just the affluent. I strongly support Rob’s platform of cutting fees in half, and I believe that this is the most positive move the board could make to grow the club. It would attract new members who cannot afford the current fees, and it would encourage members to visit the lake more often. If you cannot endorse an across-the-board fee reduction, then please consider a special rate for retired people who live on drastically reduced incomes. I would also recommend a special rate for disabled combat veterans, another group that generally cannot afford your fees. The best way to grow the naturist movement is to embrace groups such as these who would love to participate but lack the financial means to do so. To your credit, you have welcomed students at reduced rates, and as a result the Moonlight Skinnydips are breaking all records for attendance. It is time to welcome retired people and disabled veterans as well. Skinnydipping should not be just for the rich. Steve Haley Nude 5-K Run Canceled
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