Volume 20 | Number 5, December 2008 |
In this IssueDays to Remember
Come to the Christmas Banquet Dec. 14We had such a great time at last year’s Christmas Banquet that we hoped Wayne and Schell would invite us back again. They have. After such a cold November, it’s good to know that our hosts have plenty of room inside and out--so weather won’t matter. They have a pool, a hot tub, a large sunroom with pool table, plenty of additional space, plus horses to pet and they want even more people to attend this year than attended last year. The only catch is that the distance is a little greater than to the lake--about an hour West of Tallahassee--but well worth it. Wayne and Schell will smoke a turkey. Please bring two dishes for this event. We plan to eat at 1:00 OUR TIME. (Our hosts will think it’s noon.) There will be a brief board meeting afterward. Give Books for ChristmasSpeaking of Christmas, why not do your Christmas shopping the easy way this year? The AANR park guide or The Naturist Society’s illustrated guide to nude beaches around the world make wonderful gifts for naturist friends or spouses, or for non-members who could use a little nudge in this direction. We have both books on sale--starting at $11. Our own book on naturist family values sells for $2.50. See Paul for copies of each. If you miss him at the lake, call (850) 222-1886. The Windbreak Is Up
We put it in the sunny area where the old building stood. Plenty of preliminary work had to be done first. A dozen large pine trees died in last year’s fire, which had to be removed before they fell. That is why we put up a temporary shelter in the too shaded area by our storage shed last year. Bruce and friends played lumberjack over several weekends this summer, and brought the dead trees down. Boy, do we have a woodpile. A year of raking up nails and broken glass failed to make the ground safe for bare feet, so we brought in a load of clay (using a bit to correct some beach erosion). We’ve planted some grass seed, so our new sunning area is ready for use. Come out this winter and keep that tan. Check Out Local Books on NudityPaul has long been in charge of the Professors & Researchers Special Interest Group of The Naturist Society. This summer, that group decided to post some of the best articles from their newsletter on the internet, so that others could benefit from them. One of the group’s accomplishments has been gathering bibliographies. If you go to and select the first link, you can find a list of books on nudity found in the libraries of Tallahassee. Paul first compiled this list in 1991, to commemorate the club’s fifth anniversary, and updated it in 1996 for the tenth anniversary. (It’s due for a further revision.) Look it over, and check out some good reads from Tallahassee libraries. There are five of them: the county library, the three college libraries, and the state library. Farther down the same web page is a list of all the naturist articles Paul has written, including a whole section of news pieces about our club. There is also a list of writings on Greek Athletics, though these last two overlap some. Political News Is MixedTwo of the candidates who attended our Open House in July have been narrowly elected. In one case, the margin was so tight that our club members’ votes made the difference in avoiding a recount. But term limits have not been good for us. A couple of years ago, this club had five reliable friends in the state legislature; now we have two. Your political committee will be working on the others. On the other side of the country, Seattle has seen some of the largest turnouts for the annual World Naked Bike Ride. A few citizens objected, and asked city staffers to draw up a proposed anti-nudity law. But the plan backfired. After listening to both sides state their cases, the city council ordered the staff to instead look into establishing nude beaches in one or more city parks. Having the right politicians in office can make a difference. FSU Professor Assigns Naturist TopicWe were contacted this fall by three girls in a Clothing Design course at FSU. Their professor had put them in groups and assigned various topics for oral reports. Their assigned topic was naturism. We met at a restaurant, told them about our club, and handed them a variety of brochures. Though we invited them to our final Full-Moon Skinny-Dip, they did not come. Over the years, other students have come and fully participated as research for reports on topics of their own choosing. Film students have used our setting for their nude scenes several times. A few years ago, Paul was asked to address a class in Recreational Management at Valdosta State University. We have for years requested that professors of history, Greek, and Latin at nearby colleges announce our College Greek Athletic Meet. So far as we know, we have never gotten any participants that way. Lee Baxandall Has Died
Naturist Society founder Lee Baxandall died on Thanksgiving Day. Suffering from Parkinson’s Disease, he had turned the organization over to his assistants a few years ago. When his favorite nude beach at Cape Cod came under political threat in the mid-1970s, Lee connected with free beach people in California who were experiencing similar troubles. Soon, he had pulled together a national organization with a magazine and several regional gatherings each year. At the time, AANR (then called the American Sunbathing Association) was interested in clubs with land, and a gate where they could control entrance and collect fees--not public lands where everyone had a right to come and go freely. The ASA tried to be couples-only. Our club, started by three single men and using the sinkholes, began under Naturist Society sponsorship. Lee led the way--not only in supporting free beaches and political activism--but also in welcoming gay and handicapped people into the movement. His magazine tackled controversial issues from breastfeeding in public, to the radical religious right, to the warped thinking of a child molester. There was always plenty to think about. Rivalry between the two national naturist organizations has mellowed over the decades. A few years ago, our club took the initiative of nominating Lee Baxandall into AANR’s Nudist Hall of Fame. We wanted to help heal the breach, and we wanted Lee to receive the honor and recognition while he was still alive to appreciate it. TNS Dues Going UpHard economic times have forced both national nudist organizations to shorten their publications. The Naturist Society has announced that, beginning January 1, dues will rise by $2--that is, $55 for most households, $45 for students and senior citizens. AANR members voted to raise their dues this last summer. Locally, we have had a good year. High attendance has brought in enough money. Consider Attending the Naturist FestivalFor the second time, The Naturist Society scheduled a second Florida gathering at Lake Como this past fall; and for the second time, it failed to attract a crowd. The big Mid-Winter Festival each year takes place at Sunsport Gardens near Loxahatchee. This year’s dates run from February 12 to 17, with most activity concentrated on the weekend. Paul will present workshops on Informing Politicians of Naturist Family Values, Attracting College Students, the Professors & Researchers SIG, and a slide show on Cupid in Art on Valentine's Day. Other workshops range from naturism in South America, to massage, to photography, to children’s activities, to musical entertainment each evening. It’s gives people a chance to meet with club leaders from all over Florida and some other states. See Paul for a brochure. New CalendarThe event calendar for 2009 has been prepared. You can look at the 2009 calendar on-line or download a rich text format of the 2009 calendar. The Lake Is Available Every Weekend All YearFamilies with children are especially encouraged to come on picnic days. Meetings and picnics usually start at 2:00. If both are on the same day, we start at l:00. |